Friday, December 19, 2008

Time to find a new studio

Here is a photo of the studio I have been painting in for the past 7 or 8 months. It is a 1 bedroom apt., it works out great I have been painting in the bedroom and use the living room for shipping and frame storage. I don't sleep here, so I can keep it pretty messy. Most of the paintings laying around are ones that I am working on for my one man show at John B. Strong Fine Art, in February. The 5 family house that this apartment is part of is being sold so I need to move out! I haven't found a new studio yet, but I think it should be pretty easy, lots of old mills in Fall River, which would work well as a studio.
Here is a photo out of the studio window today, after about 30 min of snow. That is my van parked across the way. I figured I would finish the painting I was working on and then head home before the snow got too bad. Turned out I waited too long. I tried driving but my van just kept sliding down the hill that it was parked on. So I gave up and decided to walk home.
Here I am almost home, it wasn't bad just a couple of miles. Kind of fun for a westerner like me. By the time I got to the park next to my apartment it was a full blown winter wonderland.
I ran into my girlfriend who was sledding with her niece. Still snowing, we are supposed to get 9-12 inches!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Some more gouaches

"Blanket for Warmth" gouache 10x8

Here are a couple more paintings that I just finished.
"Big Cloud" gouache 7x5

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Back in action...

I have not been able to post for a while. I was on a road trip for a while, then wasn't able to get back to painting until just recently. So here are a couple of new paintings. The painting above is a 7x5 gouache. I painted a bunch of these and am sending them to John B. Strong Fine Art for a holiday show. I did a 12x12 from this study for a show of 12x12 paintings at Giacobbe-Fritz in Santa Fe also. The painting below will be in that show also.
This painting was retouched the other day, I painted it a while ago and it was sort of haunting me. It didn't seem complete and the colors felt too cool. I also thought a figure would make it a little more interesting. This one is 9x12 painted in oil.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Getting ready for a big road trip!

I haven't been posting much because I am getting ready for a big road trip across the country. I am busy getting the van I just bought ready for the road so my girlfriend and I can camp along the way. I plan on doing a lot of painting and my girlfriend will be doing a lot of photography, I will post some of that on here. We will also be stopping off and visiting as many art museums as possible along the way. So I don't have too much new work to show, I am working on a larger Native American Portrait right now but it isn't ready for anyone to see! I will post a portrait from a recent group of paintings I did that are on view right now at John B. Strong Fine Art in Scottsdale, AZ.

"Calm at Dusk" 20x16 oil

Friday, October 17, 2008

Trip to Maine

L t0 R: Frank Gardner, Colin Page, Jerome Greene, Jeffrey Bonasia
painting in Port Clyde

L to R: Jeremy Lipking and Eric Merrell, Marshall Point, Port Clyde, ME

L to R: Glenn Dean, Logan Hagege - Lobster Cove, Monhegan Island

Group Shot, Monhegan Island Harbor

I recently returned from a painting trip to Maine with about 12 or 13 other artists. A lot of fun and a lot of nice stuff to paint! I will post a painting I did in the studio after returning home as well as some photos from the trip. Check out Jeremy Lipking's blog for a neat little video he put together form the trip, as well as Eric Merrell's Blog for photos etc, Frank Gardener's Blog for photos and paintings, and Colin Page's Blog for Maine trip related stuff too. Sorry if I am forgetting anyone's blog. Here is a list of artists that went on the trip:

Peter Kalill
Paul Schulenburg
Jerome Greene
Frank Gardner
Jeremy Lipking
Ernesto Nemesio
Glenn Dean
Logan Hagege
Casey Baugh
Eric Merrell
and Jeffrey Bonasia

A show of Maine paintings is going to be on exhibition at Addison Art Gallery in February and at the Cape Cod Museum of Art, in January.

Logan Hagege "White Head, Monhegan" 12x16 oil on linen

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Gouache Paintings

I have been working on these small gouache paintings lately. After painting all day, I like working on these at night. I have about 15 or so of these on my website, check out the rest at

Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Blog

Hello All,

I am finally starting one of these blogs/journals. I plan on posting events, new paintings, and other interesting art related things on here. Hope someone finds this interesting. Logan

While I am here, I will mention that I have an exhibition on view right now at John B. Strong Fine Art in Scottsdale, AZ. Visit or to see new paintings.

"Clouded View" available at John B. Strong Fine Art, visit to see an exhibition of new portraits.